Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day X

Day X and I haven't updated people in awhile, so here goes.

This week was rough. And I mean ROUGH. I had my TeachForAmerica Interview this week. And this whole application process has been such a mess. Losing my cell phone before my phone interview, having my computer freeze before I turn in my application. And then on the day of my interview, leaving one of my forms back at home. Everything has been a mess. Of course, this is one of those glass is half-full or half-empty situations. You can either think of it as unlucky, or you can think of it as my luck since I've somehow managed through every stage of this process.

But my intuition tells me, that I shouldn't do TFA. Of course, I might not even get in...I don't find out for a month, but I have a bad feeling about it. And whether the bad feeling is right or not, it's wrong to go into something with a bad feeling in your heart, am I right?

But the interview process was great. The people were great and it really gave me an idea of how to interview. It allowed me to shape up my resume, improve my skills for phone and live interviews, and to think outside the box. I wouldn't have given up this experience for the world. :)

Friday I had a test. I totally bombed it. But it's ok, because I did really well on the first test, and you get to drop a test in that class. But I need to start shaping up, or these last 70 days of school are going to be HELL!

So what did we do last night...I started off by going to 5801 with Mark and Ben. I love these guys. Mark drives me everywhere so I owe him a gazillion dollars for gas mileage. And Ben is the life of the party.

Last night, Andy, one of Mark's friends, ate a cherry out of Ben's tracheotomy scars from his car crash. I wanted to just put my head down in my lap and laugh...or cry...a little bit of both. I always find myself in such ridiculous situations.

And then we went out to say Goodbye to Winny. Which is where the story becomes sad.

Winny is one of my closest friends in Pittsburgh. I owe her so much, I can't even begin to describe how much she's done for me. I remember when I first came to Pittsburgh, Maneesha took me to go to a party at Alan's place. This was my first Asian party. And it was at Asian central.

What is Asian Central? Two houses on Atwood street that shared a common basement (because they tore down the wall between them...believe me the Landlord was NOT happy when he found out).. I was so first Pitt party. And I met this girl that I recognized from some CASA meetings. I said "HEY WINNY!"

and she had no idea what my name was. OK so she managed to hide the fact at the time. She told me about it after we became friends.

And what have we been through?

-Me getting drunk and her searching everywhere for me and finding me wandering across a random bridge.
-Going with her back to NYC and meeting her family and her mom asking if I eat anything.
-Various phone calls I've made to her from home about how my father was about to kill me for taking a year off after I graduate.

I love this girl. And she will be sorely missed. Pittsburgh just won't be the same without her.

But anyway we went out last night from 5801 to the place in Squirrel Hill. I'm still not positive of the name of the place that we were at. But I got in somehow, even though I tried getting into a furniture store that was next door. Excellent. I am proud of that.

We only stayed a little bit there...afterward we went to Winny's for the last game night (perhaps forever...she was the only one who took initiative to coordinate such nights)...we tried playing Jenga. Each of us had very special moments. Like the time that Pan knocked it over without even trying for a block. Or when I cheated by catching the tower (twice mind you) and stabilizing it...And then Winny said that she was tired and wanted to go to bed. But we were all set on making sure that Winny didn't leave today for NYC so we got into bed with her and started singing...ok no, screaming...the Colors of the Wind.

Song and I attempted to imitate this particular rendition of Colors of the Wind. Yes a Drag Queen.

Click Link to watch the youtube video of:
Drag Colors of the Wind


Pan considered unpacking all of her suitcases. But we ended up just stealing her keys. So winny is leaving on SUnday!!! Hahhaha I love it!

Last thing I want to say: I apologize to anyone that I've been slightly irritable with. Since this past Tuesday, I've realized the amount of work that I need to accomplish before I graduate...let alone the work I need to finish before I leave for Tampa this Summer.

I was thinking about something recently about why things happen the way they do. And I was inspired by a line from a Tamil movie...which is funny, because there are very few things that are said in Tamil movies that are really inspiring. This guy says that some things in life it takes awhile before you realize the meaning behind them. And he finally realizes why he had to go to the army, lose his leg, and work at a flower shop...

I try and think that maybe everything does have meaning...I guess some people might find that trying to find Serendipity where there is none. But I guess if you don't believe life has meaning, then it kinda just sucks the sunshine out of it. It kinda helps us through the hard times.

Speaking of Hard hair is going through some new Hard Times. Let us consider the stages that my Hair has gone through in the past couple of years.

Freshman Year: The "West Side Story" hair style

Yes. Gel galore. Do you know how much junk it takes to make the hair in front defy gravity? LOTS.

Sophomore Year: OOOO Color!

So while I was at Temple Sophomore year, I saw this guy who had semi longish hair with highlights. I was so impressed. As you can see...Temple isn't always spiritual...sometimes it's merely inspirational.

So we go out to CVS and buy highlights for my hair. The choice of color? Bleach blonde. Why? because my hair is pitch black. Anyone who tells me that Hair is just various shades of brown and red needs to look at my roots...they're black. Black. BUH-LACK!

So the bleach blonde would be the only thing that might even add any color to my hair. I decided to get the help of my friends. And what did they do? They put a straight streak down the middle of my hair. Like a Skunk. Never ever trust non-professional people with your hair.

Junior Year: Jesus

Yeah striking resemblance right? It's kinda freaky that I was this hairy at one point. My father threatened to attack me in my sleep with a pair of scissors and a razor...I should have let him. I look just like Jesus. Needless to say, this was a bit of a slow point in my dating career.

Right before Senior Year: THE BEAST!This is the closest picture I have to being decent...and Why? Because it's tiny. I call it the beast...because notice how my hair is leaning towards's about to eat her. Dave was terrified...look at how nervous he looks to be standing behind me. And my Hair...damn it I wish I had my father's hair. My hair only grows down for an inch...after that it does a 180 and starts going up towards the sky. My hair is seriously curly...and you'd never know if you look at me now. Because I do NOT let it get that long anymore.

Super Senior: Finally a decent look.

And this is what I'm going back to today. I tried getting a haircut yesterday, but then that was cancelled when they told me that it would be a two hour wait. It may cause me to freeze up here...but it'll be perfect for Tampa...

P.S. Song and Pan are crazy...they were sneaking out my door...and when I was planning on going to schedule a hair appointment with Supercuts...I screamed into the phone. That poor lady.

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