Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 1

I guess to all those who were following my blog from this summer, here is another opportunity to hear about my life. This time, I guess, I'll be able to update a lot more freely since I'll have a computer all the time and I won't have to depend on lunch breaks from work.

The purpose of this blog is the same as the last one. I could be honest on what the REAL reason for me starting the blog last summer was...but the funny thing is that I'm starting this blog for the same reason. I'm embarrassed by the reason that I decided to start that blog this past summer...and considering how history tends to repeat itself, I'll probably be embarrassed for starting this blog.

But here's the official documented reason for starting this blog. I, Hari , came to a grand decision about two weeks ago. I, Hari Venkatachalam, will be leaving Pennsylvania in the next couple of months. For good. I mean, kinda for good, I may come back for Dental school and such, but right now I'm more concerned about what's happening this coming fall...not as far into the future as Professional school and such.

This blog will, like always, be the summation of my feelings. My place to vent. My place to speak my mind. Maybe a place where I will recapture a little of the peace of mind that I lost. Whoops. There I go...I let the real reason for starting the blog slip. Damn...

This past week was confusing and I'm still recovering from the weekend (not to mention the screaming my throat out after the Steelers won the Superbowl...SIX-BURGH!!!), and the series of tests that I think I bombed this past week.

But now, at least, things have cooled down a bit...

I hate this season. From now until April, my life always sucks. The whole post-Birthday cheer, post-Christmas/New Year's celebration compounded upon the fact that the weather always sucks (and for some reason, even though I've lived in Pennsylvania most of my life, I seem to never be dressed properly for Winter weather) makes this season pretty depressing. I guess it makes sense that the season of Lent should be now. When you're depressed, you might as well give up something else you enjoy doing, eating any form of meat, and just mope around the house.

By the way, I am starving. Really starving...but I can't eat, because I'm waiting to get my wallet from where I left it last night...sigh...I am pathetic. And I'm such a mess...why the hell can I never remember to take stuff with me?

And depressed. I gave a short five minute presentation on Hinduism and the Environment today. I could have been talking about how Baked Beans will bring about World Peace, because I really didn't have the heart to talk about it.

Of course, the reasoning for all this might be the slight hangover from last night. one or two beers for the sake of unwinding after a rough couple of weeks ended up me drinking nearly seven beers (all yuenglings mind you) and doing a little "wish fulfillment". You're right Pan. It does feel like cheating even though it isn't.

And Winny's leaving. Maybe that's why I decided to leave Pittsburgh this year...Everyone's gone or going to be gone soon. Shreya, Dorothy, Esha, All my roommates from last year, gone. Joe will be leaving at the end of this year...and soon, Pittsburgh will just be a memory. I can't stand the thought of being left behind, so I always try to be the one that is leaving others. I did the same thing in High School...although that was a bit comical of a situation. I thought everyone would be getting out of town, so I didn't want to be left behind. In the end, everyone stayed...and I moved to...the bottomless Pitt. Haha...

So why didn't I apply to schools in Warmer cities? Well It's a pointless thing to be wondering during my Fifth year of college, but maybe I should have. UCLA might have been fun. Arizona State could have been awesome. Eh...damn wishful thinking.

So where am I going next year? Most of you know. And unless you hate my guts, you probably don't want to think about me leaving. So I won't talk about it. Or how excited I am by the thought of it. But believe me this is healthy. I need a fresh start. I'm really in need of a fresh start. People say you can't run away from your past. I say "Maybe...but you can't blame me for trying".

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