Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day VI

So, Day VI of this blog. And specifically 75 days until I graduate. Wow. That's weird to think. In 75 days I will (finally) possess two baccalaureate degrees. Which will get me up to the earning levels of....just above minimum wage? LOL. Perhaps. I got an email yesterday from the guy who works at the office that I might be a Dental Assistant next year and he said that the boss is crazy and that he doesn't always transfer money into his account on time and two of his rents checks had bounced.

So what does that mean for me? Cutting Tampa plans? Consider that Job Offer in Vancouver with my Uncle? Become a "Canadanese 'eh'er?" Think again. For those who know of the great plans of Dorothy and co. last spring break where they though that going to Montreal in March would be a great idea, you know that I would never make a mistake like that. Move to some place where there's 10 feet of snow during Spring Break.

A question btw. Which dumb ass birds decided to go up North for Winter? Rashed, Eleanor, Esha, Dorothy, and I.

And what's left? LA?
No I don't like Minimum Wage...and I'm not ready to move to some place so crowded yet (small steps! Baby Steps!)

So Tampa remains. Which means throwing my Resume at so many places in the next couple of months that my name will be plastered on the front page of The Tampa Tribune with my face and the headlines "Will someone hire this fool????"

And today's test? Pretty excellent. We're preparing for my one and only group presentation that I ever have to do in College. And we're doing it on Hindu Rituals. And guess what ritual my partners thought would be a great idea? We're getting a stuffed animal and we're ritually sacrificing it. Sighhh...I shouldn't have told them about Joe's idea. Actually I'm partially amused by the idea, and partially horrified that everyone thought it was soooo good. LOL. But hey, we've decided the topic, so we might as well go through with it, right?

I had to remind them though that I'm planning on progressing to pure vegetarianism in a couple years and that most people in my family don't do this practice. Like my mom and my stepmom's families. However, my dad's family? Now that's a totally different story.

I always thought it was amusing how different my mother's and my father's families were from each other. There are old black-and-white pictures of them all. My mom's side of the family consisted of women with silk saris, blouses, men with pants and dress shirts. They stood there smiling with arms around each other. And then there was my Dad's family. With the men in dhothis (white serongs), women wearing bleached white cotton saris without any blouses. They stood there with these serious expressions like something out of history books. All this in one pictures. What a Drama! How I would have loved to be standing there and have my one grandfather asking me to smile for the picture while the other sternly shakes his head no.

OK more tomorrow...I need to go home, clean, and get ready for my TFA Interview! Wish me luck (although...does it even matter anymore?)

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