Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day XXVII (cont.)

Oh need to mention another failure of mine.

Event 3: Blessed holy milk...err yogurt?

So today, for my Temple, Icon, and Deity in India class, we had group presentation. Our presentation was on various rituals in Hinduism. And I did my presentation on Pujas and Abhishekams.

What are abhishekams? Well sit down kiddies and let me tell you!

In Hindu temples, often people ritually bathe the main icon with juice, yogurt, honey, milk, and other substances. It's meant to purify the icon. And we thought this would be great if we could imitate this ritual in class.

I brought my statue of Krishna and a bottle of milk. It was only going to be an hour or two until class so I didn't think much of it. I drank most of it, and left some for the Abhishekam.

So there I am about to start reciting the prayers and am explaining that Hindus do milk Abhishekam and other things.


Me: So often Hindus will do milk...

(Partner begins to pour the bottle.. small chunks start flowing out)

...Me: or yogurt...

(My partner is horrified as the milk gets more chunky and a last couple gray clumps tumble out)

Me:...errrrrr....or cheese...



  1. I am going to link ppl to this article when somebody asks me what my name means. :-)

  2. hahaha that's kind of hilarious. abhishekams gone wrong indeed. apparently you're not supposed to drink or eat anything that you offer first...perhaps that's why ;)
